Reprogram Your Mind For Positive Thinking With These 6 Steps

reprogram your mind for positive thinking, journey principles

We’re taught to think negatively about everything and to focus on what’s wrong. But what if we did the opposite? I’ve found that the happier I am, the more successful I am. If you’re reading this, you probably realize this yourself and want to reprogram your mind for positive thinking. 

#1 – Focus on The Upside of Pain

Pain, when utilized properly, teaches us progess-based behaviors. We may not know exactly what we want to happen, but we do know what we don’t want to happen! This helps us adjust to make better decisions. In other words, pain is a stepping stone. All pain and frustration and obstacle can actually help you move forward.

Take me for example. I faced a lot of opposition from the get-go. My parents abandoned me, my grandparents who raised me never had much money, and I was mad as hell. I ended up homeless, living out of a car. It took me a little while, but eventually I started running at my obstacles instead of away from them. Not only did I eventually overcome them one-at-a-time, I came out of it with valuable insight that I can now use to help others. This is called experience-based wisdom, and it’s something you start to reap when you try to reprogram your mind for positive thinking.

#2 – Remember that Passion Always Trumps Pain

So understanding the benefits of pain can make it bearable, but how do you push through the pain to something better on the other side? The answer is simple: passion. Passion always trumps pain, just like faith always trumps fear. Your desired destination needs to be more real to you than where you’ve already been. 

One way you can do this is by focusing on the positive aspects of your environment and current circumstances. Write them down. Firmly identify them. Choose which ones you want to keep, that you want to be present where you’re going. Now imagine the opposite of the things you don’t like! Again, write them down. Believe it or not, simply focusing on them will help make them happen.

#3 – Face Your Fears

The more honest you are with yourself about what you fear, the more likely you are to overcome your fears. This is what makes a warrior a warrior. Anyone can run away, but warriors look their fear straight in the eye, refusing to run. I’m not saying that you should meditate on your fear, but I am saying that you need to acknowledge it honestly. When you do this, you can start taking next steps to face it. The alternative is to let it control you for the rest of your life – to let fear make your decisions for you. That’s not living. 

What is going on in your life that you can face head-on? What’s a fear that you have that you can stare down and overcome once-and-for all? You’re stronger than you think, and you’re capable of being your greatest ally.

#4 – Remember: It Gets Easier the Longer You Try

The older you get, the more power and freedom you have to choose not just your experiences but also your view of those experiences. As you age, your perspective grows. When your perspective expands, you start noticing opportunities and lessons where you didn’t before. In other words, age itself can help you reprogram your mind for positive thinking. So be encouraged. You’re going to get better at this if you stick with it!

#5 – Use Gratitude

Keep a gratitude journal. Seriously. It helps so much. Just writing down a few things you’re grateful for each day will help you reprogram your brain for positive thinking. Thankfulness is linked to joy, so make this a daily habit. 

#6 – Get Help in the Trenches

Trying to reprogram your mind for positive thinking isn’t always easy, and it can feel lonely if you never talk about it. What’s more, it can feel very foreign, and a little guidance can help you keep your momentum and sense of balance. The Journey Principles Institute is here to help you stay the course and go from stuck to unstoppable in every area of your life, starting with your mindset.

I’d encourage you to take advantage of our resources. Right now we’re giving away our entire ebook library for free. Definitely take advantage of this, as these ebooks have a lot of actionable next steps to help you keep making progress. 

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