Travis Chappell is the founder and CEO of Guestio, a new software that connects high-level guests with high-level content creators, and he is the host of the top-rated show, Build Your Network. In addition to being featured in Entrepreneur, NASDAQ, Yahoo Finance, and ReadWrite, Travis has also been featured in Forbes as a top ten podcaster that will change your life alongside Joe Rogan, Gary Vaynerchuck, Tim Ferriss, and others.
Travis Chappell has made it his mission to help a million people cultivate genuine relationships the right way. Travis has found that there are two types of people: 1.) Those who think they are networking properly but are actually really annoying everyone they come in contact with by barfing out their elevator pitch, throwing a business card (or five!) in your face, and moving on to the next person (I call that person Networking Ned) and 2.) Those who hate Networking Ned so much that they avoid the practice ALTOGETHER; for fear of becoming that person.
After publishing over 200 episodes of his show, Build Your Network, Travis picked up on a few secret techniques and strategies to help you ditch the fear of networking, avoid becoming Networking Ned, and to help you build genuine relationships that will unlock the next level in your life.
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