If you’re looking for ways to heal emotional trauma, then you need to do this every day.
Cari Kenzie is a quantum healer and trauma specialist. She helps women reframe chaos and trauma in their lives to act as fuel to empower them. In 2013, her life changed after running the Boston Marathon and the bombs went off.
In this video, we’re going to talk about how to heal emotional trauma. Emotional trauma can be caused by experiences like abuse, neglect, or bullying.
If you’re struggling with emotional trauma, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. This video will teach you how to heal your emotional trauma and live a life free from the pain and scars of emotional trauma.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
▶︎ What Quantum Healing is
▶︎ How to navigate through your Mind Maze
▶︎ How to identify the subconscious programs that hold you back
▶︎ How energy work can heal physical ailments
Follow For More:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carikenzie/
Website: https://carikenzie.com/